Everything I wish I’d known about fundraising in a recession
What a recession-proof strategy looks like? Is there a way your Individual Giving programme can weather the storm, and perhaps even come out stronger?
Speaking at 2020’s Institute of Fundraising Convention, I reflected on my experience of working in the Acquisition Team at WaterAid in the last recession to give fundraisers some much-needed answers. You can see my talk below.
The feedback has been phemonenal:
“The best session I’ve seen so far.” Richard Turner
“For me, one of the highlights of the convention.”
“Thought-provoking. Fantastic. Right on.”
“Invaluable watching.”
You might have also seen my talk got picked up in the Third Sector press here and here.
Have a watch, and I’d love to hear what you think.
*The IoF granted me special dispensation to release this film.